
Senior Teams

All members of a Senior team will be asked to sign a final Disclaimer when arriving at Registration, agreeing to abide by the Race Rules and that all runners have the necessary and specified mountain experience. The race packet, including race numbers, trackers, etc. will not be available until every member of the team has signed this disclaimer. A copy of the text is below for your prior information.

This disclaimer must be completed in full, and all team members must sign the form at Oban race registration in full view of the designated Race Official, before any team will be allowed to compete in the Scottish Islands Peaks Race. The race packet, including race rules, numbers, class flags, and trackers, will be provided to the team only after this form is complete.

We, the undersigned, agree to abide by the Rules of the Race and the Race Instructions, and accept that decisions of any protest panel appointed by the Organising Committee will be final.

We accept that there are risks associated with participating in the Race and hereby absolve the Organising Committee and its race officers from liability in respect of any injury, loss or damage arising, directly or indirectly, from our participation. We will ensure that only persons who accept the aforementioned risks shall be members of the team in the race.

We confirm that the details given in the entry forms are correct (unless amended below) and that the equipment on the boat is in accordance with the rules of the race. We understand that, if the boat or runners equipment fails to comply with the rules, the team may be disqualified from the race. We confirm that the boat is fully covered by third party insurance from at least the time of arrival in Oban until the boat completes the race, and agree level and appropriateness of this insurance is solely and inescapably the responsibility of the yacht skipper named on the entry form.

We confirm that our runners will wear or carry all the equipment listed in the rules of the race when running on each island and that we will contact the Race Office and marshals as soon as possible if we retire or withdraw from the race.

We confirm that we will place the YellowBrick tracker provided by the Race in an appropriate position on our boat to optimize it’s connectivity. We agree to take financial responsibility for any damage to the tracker and to pay for repair or replacement in full if needed. If we are unable to return the tracker to the Race office in Troon, we will send it back to YellowBrick at the address provided as soon as possible.

Youth Teams

For Youth Teams, only the adult members will be required to sign the disclaimer at Registration. An additional sign off will be included in the  disclaimer which consists of

We, the undersigned agree that we have obtained all the necessary written consents from the parents or guardians of all the youth participants in this team. We confirm that the adult runners have the specified necessary mountain, navigational and leadership experience to lead the team and that all youth runners have the necessary experience.


…until the next Scottish Islands Peaks Race!

